Monday, January 26, 2009

Greetings, All.

Welcome, firstly, to the blog of the fledgling occult resource, The Scryglass. Here will be posted general musings / experiments / experiences by the author of the Scryglass himself, Samuel, as well as relevant updates to the site.

Oh right, that's me.

Hello to the blogosphere, and let me give a quick overview of myself. My first name is Samuel. I live in the Chicago area, and have been practicing many diverse forms of the occult since, as far as I can tell, I was five years old. I recently created the Scryglass after being inspired by other occult sites which have great potential, but authors who update once a year, should their readers be lucky.

I have no intention to do that.

I realized, through the years, that my interests swerve back into occult territory frequently enough and with enough force to churn out several useful and coherent articles on the subject, and that it would be a waste to not share such frequency and force with the world as a whole.

With that, I hope that you find my site informative, and my blog amusing. Additionally, I wish you the best of luck in dealing with my capricious personality and irritatingly scarce sense of when to stop talking.

Warm regards,
